
10 Ways to Turn the Worst Day of Your Life Into the Best

10 Ways to Turn the Worst Day of Your Life Into the Best

There will always be times when everything seems to be falling apart; these are days that make us want to retreat and take refuge, only making matters worse. Unfortunately, this won’t do.

So, how can you turn this day around into something amazing? Here are 10 strategies: 1. Write out a list.

1. Make a list.

Everybody experiences tough days; ones in which we want to shut out everyone and find quick fixes like junk food or alcohol as a quick solution. But with hard work and dedication, those rough moments can turn into some of your greatest victories.

Launch by making a list, but be careful to avoid making one that focuses on all that’s going wrong in your life – that will only serve to worsen your state of mind. Instead, focus on writing down the positive aspects.

If you’re having difficulty listing three positives, consider how life could be so much worse – this will give you perspective and make you realize just how lucky you really are. If a bad day threatens to turn into a bad week, try this strategy; keeping a journal may also help.

2. Talk to someone.

As is often stated, sharing problems is the key to finding solutions. While it may feel awkward at first, reaching out can make us feel less alone and help alleviate feelings of isolation.

Communicating your feelings to someone supportive is often the key to managing difficult emotions and finding insight you didn’t recognize while experiencing them directly. Therefore, many turn to family or friends, support groups or trained professionals such as counselors or therapists when facing challenging times.

If you don’t have anyone to talk to about your emotions, writing may be a powerful form of therapy. PostSecret and other blogs also provide this valuable service – it can be especially healing to write out thoughts and emotions on paper while human contact can provide instantaneous relief – just one hug can change everything instantly.

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3. Eat an apple.

We all experience days where everything seems to go wrong, leaving us wanting to hide under the covers until things clear up. Instead of withdrawing into yourself and seeking temporary comfort through snacks like junk food or couch potatoes, take small steps forward instead – such as eating an apple for its natural boost that can improve cognitive function; cook, practice an instrument or write something.

4. Create.

Engaging in creative activities is an excellent way to brighten your day, including coloring, painting and cooking. Engaging in these creative pursuits can get your energy moving in an optimistic direction and can make for an uplifting day!

Writing down what you’re thankful for can be an excellent way to shift your focus away from negative experiences and onto more positive ones. Be it acknowledging pleasant weather conditions or access to clean drinking water — there is so much you should appreciate in life! The possibilities are limitless!

Reminding yourself that even the greatest leaders have experienced hard days can help put your own struggles into perspective and reminds you they won’t last forever.

5. Serve others.

Unfortunately, many bad days occur because we focus too heavily on ourselves. Serving others can help us feel better.

Reaching out can take many forms: it could mean simply sending out a text or calling someone in need to check in, to hosting a small virtual prayer group, or helping mow someone’s lawn.

Key to genuine service is giving without expectations or demands of service in return. Jesus himself provided service by calming Martha’s anxiety and standing up for a woman who spent her year’s wages on perfume to wash his feet.

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One easy way to serve others is simply being their friend – particularly someone they may not deserve it. Even great leaders have their rough patches; acknowledging this can only serve to strengthen relationships.

6. Go for a walk.

A quick walk can give your energy levels a much-needed boost, help break down stress and clear the mind. Plus, it could even help you meet goals or refocus energy after negative experiences.

Walk early in the morning before heading out to work to catch a glimpse of the sunrise and get your day started off right, not only energizing yourself but helping you eat healthier throughout your day. Indulge in mid-day walks as an escape from caffeine or cookies cravings!

Make walking part of your daily routine by taking the bus one stop early, jogging during your lunch break, or walking to and from work on a regular basis. Consider joining a walking group for added motivation and social interactions; even better, bring along someone special like a friend or family member so you can catch up while out and about!

7. Take a bath.

Sometimes all that’s needed to alleviate an emotionally trying day is some self-care. Instead of retreating into self-pity or using short-term gratification (ice cream, video games, masturbating etc), pull out your bath bombs, great music and take the most relaxing bath ever! You will feel so much better and even get some exercise as a bonus (for more details ask us). — Ed

8. Go for a run.

It can be easy to feel frustrated, agitated or sad when facing something challenging; but your choice as to how you respond to that experience matters greatly. Instead of shutting yourself away from others or binge watching Netflix until things calm down again, why not get outside (if safe) and feel the grass or wildflowers between your fingers while gazing upon nature’s beauty instead? Doing this can help ground yourself and make even what seems like the worst day in life into something positive which ultimately becomes one of your greatest days yet – leading up to what could truly become one of your greatest days yet.

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9. Sing.

There is so much that can occur throughout a single day that are outside of our control; but one thing we do have some say in is our mood. Music can help improve it; dancing alone in your living room or letting your kids have a group sing-along in the car can both boost happiness and make us feel better; singing releases endorphins and dopamine which are feel-good chemicals which make us happy – sing your favorite song, radio program or playlist of happy music to see how it makes you feel!

10. Take a nap.

Once upon a time, napping during the day was considered lazy or degenerate. Now however, power naps have proven their ability to alleviate afternoon slump and leave you more alert and ready for whatever lies ahead in the rest of your day.

A short nap can revitalize energy reserves, boost memory retention and enhance performance. To get maximum benefit from napping effectively and efficiently, however, take it at the appropriate time; too late an afternoon nap may disrupt your natural sleeping cycle and make it more difficult to fall asleep later that night.

An ideal power nap should last between 20 and 30 minutes in an undisturbed, relaxing environment without screens that might interrupt sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and reaping all its benefits.