
7 Warning Signs You’re in a Failing Relationship

7 Warning Signs Youre In a Failing Relationship

Though everyone acknowledges that disputes and arguments are an inevitable part of healthy relationships, when they become frequently occurring it could be an indicator that something is amiss in your partnership.

Be it through frequent argument or feelings of insecurity, when these start to influence how you view each other it should definitely raise red flags.

1. You?re Feeling Lonely

Many people mistake loneliness in relationships as being solely due to being apart, when in reality it often stems from within an abusive or toxic partnership. When both partners refuse to openly express their emotions and share intimate details of themselves with one another, this prevents them from being vulnerable with each other and makes deep relationships impossible.

As work and parenting demands increase, both partners may find themselves too preoccupied to dedicate quality time for just themselves – or when one partner turns increasingly to family and friends for emotional support than to their significant other – this can signal serious problems with the relationship that need addressing immediately.

If you find yourself daydreaming about being In a Relationship With Someone Else, that could be a telltale sign that your current one may only exist out of need or fear; not because it actually fulfills you or meets all your requirements. Even if they seem great to you personally.

If you and your partner are struggling to have meaningful discussions about the state of your relationship, seek professional help from a marriage and family therapist as soon as possible. It may still be possible to salvage an unstable partnership by taking swift and decisive action – it just needs to be identified early enough and taken in time.

2. You?re Feeling Ignored

An alarm bell should go off when your partner begins ignoring you, whether that means simply not returning calls and texts after reaching out or it could become more serious. Ignorance from partners can be extremely hurtful, prompting one to question whether something they said or did has caused their disdain for you.

Folashade Adekunle, a Philadelphia-based couples counselor, advises that one telltale sign your partner has turned on you is when they spend more and more time away from you and with friends or social media; this indicates they no longer find you attractive and have lost interest in your relationship.

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Your partner could be showing signs of neglect when they stop giving affection, such as hugs, kisses, caresses or pats. A lack of these physical displays of affection is especially bothersome in long-distance relationships where this kind of interaction may be harder to sustain. Another surefire indicator that something may be amiss with your relationship is when they begin talking more about other people than about you; this should serve as a red flag that the relationship could soon sour and end.

3. You?re Feeling Unintimate

Emotional intimacy is the cornerstone of every healthy relationship, so when your partner doesn’t foster it through listening attentively or responding appropriately to your needs, this could be a telltale sign that their affection for you isn’t genuine and could ultimately cause emotional distance in the relationship – all leading to disaster!

One telltale sign of emotional intimacy deficits is fantasizing about other people. Admiration for others can be admirable, but when your fantasizing becomes regular and you wish you were with someone else instead, that could be a telltale sign your relationship may soon disintegrate.

Noticed changes in physical intimacy such as less touching or planning activities together or no longer making plans together can also indicate whether your relationship is faltering; sometimes these patterns indicate deeper issues like trust issues or sexual dysfunction.

In other cases, this behavior could be an indicator of jealousy or possessiveness – traits which manifest themselves through checking your partner’s phone; stalking them on social media; demanding permission to see certain friends; and going through personal items (like diaries and journals ). Such tactics erode trust quickly and are certain ways to ruin any relationship.

4. You?re Feeling Out of Touch

Your partner and you should be able to discuss topics of great significance easily, yet unburdenedly. If your conversations seem short and tense, or they seem unwilling or incapable of discussing important matters with you altogether, take note as this could be an indicator that they’re disengaging from your relationship.

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One of the key telltale signs is a decrease in physical intimacy. This could take the form of your partner withdrawing affection or ditching social events with friends and family; either way it could indicate they’re trying to escape an emotional chasm between you.

Fighting constantly is another telltale sign. While any relationship will experience arguments from time to time, healthy couples should be able to move past them quickly without replaying past conflicts or making excuses for their behavior. If your arguments seem endlessly destructive and one side consistently wins each argument, this could be an early indicator that your relationship is on its way out; regardless of what anyone says to save it. It’s best to take immediate steps for both of your wellbeing.

5. You?re Feeling Angry

Reducing tension within relationships should not cause frustration or resentment to build, yet experiencing this type of emotional upheaval frequently is often a telltale sign that something is amiss in your partnership. Too much blame or responsibility being assigned by one partner for situations can also indicate the need to work on bettering communication skills so as to resolve conflicts more quickly.

Frustration in relationships is often an alarming indicator that can undermine mutual goals. Therefore, it is vital that both partners discuss where you see yourselves going as a couple – such as buying a home together or having children together – as well as expectations regarding its future development. If one partner frequently misses appointments or forgets plans without telling the other beforehand, this could be a telltale sign they don’t respect your personal and professional lives.

If your partner frequently communicates with you using negative language or sarcasm, this is a telltale sign of imbalanced power dynamics in the relationship. Such behaviors can damage self-esteem; should this situation persists it’s essential that you seek professional assistance to end it before it escalates to physical abuse or more severe forms.

6. You?re Feeling Disturbed

Feeling jealousy when viewing photos of friends traveling alone to Europe or coworkers receiving promotions can be natural. But if your jealousy becomes the focus of daily fantasizing or feeling disturbed by someone’s achievements and accomplishments (even in your head), that could be an indicator that your relationship may be in trouble.

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Another red flag to look out for in any relationship is when it becomes difficult or impossible for both partners to communicate openly about any issues that are troubling them. If your conversation seems forced or forced because one partner feels threatened by your ideas and feelings, this should be enough to signify change needs to happen immediately.

Healthy relationships require mutual trust, respect, and compromise from both partners. If your partner is placing blame for problems in the relationship or making you feel bad about yourself, that behavior should not be tolerated; such actions could even lead to health issues like depression or anxiety later. Instead, focus on strengthening the relationship by addressing negative behaviors head on and finding healthier coping mechanisms such as deep conversations or self-care activities.

7. You?re Feeling Unhappy

Experience has taught us that every relationship will experience ups and downs; however, if yours seems to go from bad to worse over time, it could be time for an exit strategy. If this sounds familiar then perhaps now is the time to explore this option further.

Happiness in relationships goes beyond simply sharing romantic affection; it also means feeling like part of a team, with similar goals and interests, who support one another. So if you find yourself wanting to spend more time with friends than expected or wish that you were single again, this could be an indication that your partnership no longer functions effectively.

People usually become discontent in their relationships due to the way in which their partners treat one another. If your partner appears dismissive of your concerns or constantly prioritizes his or her needs over yours, this could be a telltale sign that the relationship has turned toxic.

Toxicity often manifests itself in relationships through poor communication between partners. If one party consistently arrives late or forgets important plans, this can create feelings of resentment and frustration which ultimately cause further distance in your relationship.

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November 19, 2023